J b i [ 1919 ]
CH E N O P O D IU M hybridum.
Maple-leaved Goosefoot.
G en. C har. Cal. 5 -cleft, inferior. Cor. none. Seed 1,
lenticular, invested with the closed five-sided calyx.
Spec. Char. Leaves heartshaped, pointed, with broad
angular teeth. Clusters very much branched, somewhat
cymose, divaricated, leafless.
Syn. Chenopodium hybridum. Linn. Sp. PI. 3 19. Sm.
FI. Brit. 2 75 . Huds. 1 0 5 . With. 272. Hull. 56.
Relh. 100. Sihth. 8 9 . Abbot. 55. Curt. Lond.
Jasc. 4. t. 23.
C. stramonii folio. D ill, in Raii Syn. 154.
T h i s is perhaps the most uncommon of its genus in Britain.
It grpws in moist, fertile spots, as about Battersea. We have
seen it near Ipswich and Colchester. It is an annual of rank
growth, a branching spreading smooth habit, and foetid scent,
flowering in August.
The stems are more slender than in most other species, the
leaves larger, of a full bright green, heartshaped, or at least
not lengthened out at the base, pointed, with about 3 large
angle-like teeth on each side. Clusters axillary, almost entirely
destitute o f small leaves, slender, spreading, much
branched in a cymose form. Seeds, when stripped of their
pellicle, black, marked with irregular, large wrinkles or dots.