J&f [ 20 ]
G E N T I A N A Pneumonanthe.
Marß> Gentian, or Calathian Violet.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia,
Gen. Char. Cor. of one petal. Capjule fuperior, one-
celled, two-valved, with two longitudinal receptacles.
Spec. Char. Corolla bell-fliaped, five-cleft. Flowers on
foot-ftalks. Leaves linear.
S y n . Gentiana Pneumonanthe. Linn. Sp. PL 330.
Hudf. FI. An. 102. With. Bot. Arr. 2 6 1.
G. paluftris anguftifolia. Rail Syn. 274.
w E are indebted for the wild fpecimen here figured of this
rare and beautiful Gentian to the Rev. Mr. Charles Sutton, B. D.
of Norwich, who gathered it on Stratton Strawlefs Heath, a
few miles from that city, the very place in which it was found
by the amiable Stillingfleet many years ago. It ufually prefers
a wet turfy foil, and flowers in Auguft.
Mr. Sutton remarks that the leaf varies in figure from linear
to almoR.fpatulate; that the antherae are'united till the capfule
fwells, and forcibly feparates them; and that after a wet fpring
the plant is found much more luxuriant, bearing five, fix, or
feven flowers, inftead of one or two.
Such a gigantic fpecimen appears to have occafioned Linnaeus
to define it corollis oppojitis, having oppojite corollas, or rather
flowers ; but we have omitted this in our fpecific character, as
tending to miflead. The connection of the antherae is full as
remarkable as that of Lobelia, and more fo than in Viola; both
which, on account of fuch an adhefion, are placed in the clafs
Syngenefia: but the inconftancy of this charafter, except in
compound flowers, feems to authorife the abolition of the order
Syngenefia Monogamia altogether.