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P U L M O N A R I A maritima.
Sea L ungw ort.
P E N 7 A N D R IA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. funnel-fhaped, pervious. Calyx
prifmatic, five-fided.
Spec. C har. Calyx fhort. Leaves ovate. Stem
much branched, procumbent.
S y n . Pulmonaria maritima. Linn. S/. PI. 195. Hudf.
FI. A n . 81. With. Bot. A rr. 194. Dick/. H.
Sicc. fa ß . 1. 3. Lightf. Scot. 134. t. 7.
Echium marinum. Rail Syn. 228.
A BEAUTIFUL ornament of the fandy fea-coafts of Scotland
and the north of England, for fpecimens of which we are
obliged to Mr. Robfon. It flowers in July, and is perennial
according to the opinion of moft authors, though the obierva-
tions of Dillenius in the Hortus Elthamenfts feem to prove it
biennial. There is no lefs uncertainty about the genus of this
plant It is certainly a very bad Pulmonaria, the calyx being
too deeply divided to be deemed prifmatic, which is alfo the
cafe in P. virginica isf fihirica. Dillenius (as well as Linnxus
formerly) made it a Cerinthe, with which it moft agrees m
habit, but the eflential charafter of Cerinthe is not to be found
in the fruit. In fad the genera of this order {Afpenfolue),
though fo multiplied, are many of them ill defined and unnatural,
as we have before obferved, p. 1x8.
The root is flelhy. Stems procumbent, much branched.
Leaves ovate, entire, undulated, covered with a beautiiul
glaucous efflorefcence, and fprinkled with minute cartilagineous
tubercles, charaaeriftic of the order. Flowers on longilh Ample
flower-ftalks, one or two together, fometimes axillary, and
generally cluftered about the extremities of the branches. Calyx
glaucous, in 5 ovate acute fegments, its bafe a little pnt-
matic. Corolla with a Ihort thick tube, and a fmall border m
c obtufe fegments, red at firft, then blue; orifice a little toothed,
but pervious. Stamina inferred about the middle of the tube,
and proieaing beyond the orifice. Stigma capitate, the
whole plant turns black in drying, unlefs it be firft immerfed in
frefti water for 24 hours to extract the fea-falt, according to