L Y S I M A C H I A thyrfiflora.
Tufted. Loofefrife.
P E N T A N D R J A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. wheel-fhaped. Capfule globofe,
pointed, with 10 valves.
Spec. C har. Flowers in lateral pedunculated clutters,
$y n . Lyfimachia thyrfiflora. Linn. Sp. PI. 209, Hudf,
FI. An. 86. With. Bot. Arr. 209.
L>. lutea, flore globofo. R a ii Syn. 283,
D e s p a i r i n g of procuring recent wild fpecimens of this
Very rare plant, we cannot refrain from exhibiting a figure of
a cultivated one, which has been compared with wild ones, an d
found in no refpeft to differ. It grows in boggy places, about
running ftreams, and was found in Ray’s time in the eafl riding
o f Yorkfhire, as well as about King’s Langley in Hertfordfhire.
Dr. Smith faw, in the year 1781, fpecimens gathered by Dr.
White in a bog near Severus’s hills at Y ork ; but the plant was
then loft, from the place having been drained, fo that we really
do not know a certain ftation of this Lyfimachia at prefent.
It has a long root with whorls of fibres like many aquatic
plants. The ftem 10 or 20 inches high, ereft, round, perfectly
fimple, flightly woolly, covered with oppofite, lanceolate,
entire leaves, which are pale beneath, and fomewhat revolute.
The bunches of flowers ftand oppofite, one from the bofom of
each leaf about the middle of the ftem, ere£t, pubefcent, each
of about ten flowers, on partial footftalks, accompanied by foil—
tary lanceolate bra&ere. The corolla is very deeply cloven into
lanceolate fegments, with a fmall tooth between every two of
them. The ftamina are capillary, longer than the corolla, and
oppofite to its fegments. Style fimple. The calyx, germen,
and tips of the corolla are prettily fpotted with red. It flowers
about midfummer, and may be eafily known from all other
Britifh vegetables.