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GALIUM faxatilë.
Smooth Heath Bed-Jlraw.
G en. Char. Cor. of one petal, flat, fuperior. Seeds i ,
Spec. C har. Leaves fix in a whorl, obovate, ob tufty
tipped with a fmall point. Stem much branched,
proftrate, fmöoth. Fruit granulated.
Syn . Galium faxatile. Linn. Sp. P i. 154. Sm. FI.
Brit. 175.
G. montanumi Hudf. 67. Relh. 66.
G. procumbens. With. 187. Hull. 36. Sibth. 59.
Abbot. 34.
Mollugo montana minors Galio albo fimilis. Rail
Syn. 224-.
M R. H U D SO N publiflied this plant by the name of
G. montanum in 1762, and the fame year Linnaeus defcribed
a very different fpecies under the fame name. It becoming
therefore néceflary tó give ours a hew denomination, Dr.
Withering arid his followers have called it procumbens, none
Of them having been aware of its being the real faxatile of
both editions óf Sp. Plantdrum.
It is very abundant in heathy bufhy places, flowering plentifully
from June to the end óf fummer. The roots are perennial
and creeping. Stems much branched; procumbent or
ftraggling, fmooth, bearing numerous whorls of fpreading
obovate leaves, 6 iri a whorl, each tipped with a fhort briftly
point, and for the moft part rough at the edge. The panicles
rire terminal, three-forked,- fmooth. Flowers milk-white,
fmall, but confpicuous from their number. Fruit fmall, neither
briftly nor fmooth, but ftudded all over with minute prominent
granulations, by which circumftance alone this may be known
from every other Britifh Galium, except the tricorne, which is
widely different from it in other refpeóts;