S T A T I C E Limonium.
Sea Lavender.
P E N T A N D R I A Pentagynia.
G en. C har. Cal. of one leaf, entire, plaited, filmy.
P e ta ls five. Seed Angle.
Spec. C har. Stalk panicled, round. Leaves fmooth,
deftitute of nerves, tipped with a finall point.
Syn . Statice Limonium. L in n . Sp. P I . 394. H udJ.
F I. An. 132. W ith . Po t. A r r . 327.
Limonium. R a il Syn. 201.
V jrA T H E R E D laft Auguft by Lord Vifcount Lewilham o h
Woldham Marfli near Rochefter. The plant loves a muddy
foil in fait marfhes, or on the fhores of great rivers walhed by
the tide, and flowers late. Scarcely any vegetable is more various
as to luxuriance, being fometimes found with leaves
fcarcely an inch long, and not more than fix or eight flowers
in the panicle, while at other times it is even much more large
and its flowers more abundant than in the fpecimen before us.
The bright blue colour diftinguifhes it at a diftance, and that colour
is tolerably permanent. Though lefs magnificent than fome
foreign fpecies of its genus, this is a very beautiful plant. Its
appearance fcarcely enough refembles lavender to juftify the
Englifh name, nor has it any aromatic quality. The root is
ftrong and perennial.