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C A M P A N U L A hederacea.
Ivy-leaved Bell-flower.
P E N T J N D R 1 A Monegyma.
G en. C har. Cor. bel 1-fh aped, clofed at the bottom by
valves bearing the ftamina. Stigma three-cleft.
Cagfule inferior, opening by lateral pores.
Spec. Char. Leaves heart-thaped, five-lobed, on foot-
ftalks, fmooth. Stem flaccid.
S yn . Campanula hederacea. Linn. Sj>. PI. 240. Hudf.
FI. An. 97. With. Bot. A rr. 220. Dick/. Dried
Plants, 5 6 .
C. Cymbalariæ foliis. lia ii Syn. 277.
F E W plants exceed this Campanula in elegance, and yet it
has never had the fortune to be well figured. The old authors
repreferrt its corolla very erroneoufly, and Flo. Dan. t. 330, is
one of the word figures in every refpeft that can be. Our
fpecimens were collected on a bog near High-beech, Epping
Foreft, by Mr. Edward Forfter, junior. This fpecies was never
before found fo near London, though not rare in moift woods
in the midland and fouthern counties, and very plentiful in
Cornwall, from whence Francis Borone brought it to Mr.
Dickfon for his Fafciculi of Dried Plants. Though a bog plant,
it is capable of cultivation, and is almoft naturalized under a
magnificent Ihrubbery of Kalmias in Kew garden. It flowers
throughout the fummer.
Its roots are perennial, fibrous, and flender, fprouting from
various parts of the procumbent items, which are matted together,
and fpread very far. The whole herb is pale, tender,
and delicate, fmooth, except a very few fcattered hairs occa-
fionally found on fome of the leaves. Flowers folitary, on long
terminal footftalks, a little drooping, fugacious, and foon withering
after they are gathered. Segments of the calyx pointed and
Linnaeus's fufpicion of this being a hybrid plant (Am. Acad,
v. 3. 55) is unwarrantable. He fuppofes it may have been
produced from fome Campanula impregnated by Veronica he-
derifolia, and gives for reafon that its leaves are quite foreign to
thofe of others of its genus; yet furely they much more refemble
the radical leaves of C. rotundifolia than thofe of this Veronica.