E C H I U M italicum.
White Vip er s-Bugloss.
PENTANDRIA Monogyitia.
G en. Ch a r . Cor. irregular, its orifice open and naked.
Stigma cloven.
Spec. Char. Stem erect, hairy. Spikes lateral, very
hairy, spreading upward. Corolla nearly equal.
Stamens very long.
S yn. Echium italicum. Linn. Sp. PI. 200. Sm. FI.
B rit. 221. Huds. 8 3 . W ith. 2 3 2 . Hull. 4 8 .
ed. 2. 6 1 . Dicks. H. S ic c .fa sc . 14. 8.
Lycopsis. R ail Syn. 2 2 7 .
A N A TIV E of Jersey, for specimens of which from Chelsea
garden we are obliged to our kind friend Mr. Fairbairn. It is
biennial, flowering in July.
At t. 181 we have expressed doubts, which are now removed,
respecting the distinction betwixt this and E . vulgare.
The italicum is rather hairy than bristly, and has a much more
hoary aspect. The flowers are white, not half so large as
those of the common kind, still more nearly regular or equal,
with blunt segments and very long stamens. Calyx excessively
bristly, especially in wild specimens.------The stem is erect.
Leaves lanceolate, or tongue-shaped, clothed with hairs
springing from callous tubercles. Spikes lateral, somewhat
deflexed, much elongated and ascending as they ripen seed.
The flower-buds are of a pale pink before they open.