C A M P A N U L A glomerata.
Clujlered Bell-flower.
P E N T aîN D R I aI Monogyma•
Gen. Char. Cor. bell-fhaped, clofed at the bottom
by valves bearing the ftamina. Stigma three-cleft.
Capfule inferior, opening by lateral pores.
Spec. Char. Stem angular, Ample. Flowers feffile,
moft of them in a terminal clufter. Leaves ovate.
Syn. Campanula glomerata. Linn. Sp. PI. 235. Hudf.
FI. An. 96. With. Bot. Arr. 2 19 . Relh. Cant. 94.
C. pratehfis, flore conglomerate. Raii Syn. 277.
A NATIVE of dry chalky paftures, as Gogmagog hills,
Newmarket heath, the neighbourhood of Marham in Norfolk,
Bury in Suffolk, and various parts of Yorkfhire, Surrey, and
other chalk countries, which its confpicuous flowers adorn very
copioufly in the months of July and Auguft.
The ftem is never (we believe) branched, unlefs it happens
to have been eaten off by cattle when young; it is eredt, angular,
hairy, from fix to eighteen inches high. Leaves rough,
pale but not hoary, beneath ; the calyx, and even corolla, are
fometimes hairy, and the latter occafionally varies from purple
to white. Root perennial, with long fibres.
This plant is no contemptible ornament for rock-work, or
flower-borders in dry ground, where little elfe will grow. A
moift or rich foil makes the herb too luxuriant, the flowers pale
■ and degenerate, taking away its alpine habit.