( 661 )
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A S P E R U G O procnmbens. *°
German Madwort.
PENTANDR1A Monogynia.
G e n . Char. Cal. of the fruit comprefled, its two
margins flat and parallel, finuated.
S p e c . C h a r . Calyx o f the fruit flattened th rou gh ou t.
S y n . A fp e ru g o procumbens. Linn. Sp. PI. 19 8 . Sm.
FI. B rit. 220. Hudf. 82. With. 2 3 1 . Hull. 4 7 .
Relh. 79 . FI. Dan. t. 5 5 2 .
A. vulgaris. Rail Syn. 228.
■ ■niMa—
A H IS is a plant of very rare occurrence. Ray mentions
Boxley in Sufiex, and the Holy Ifland as its places of growth.
He fays alfo “ near Newmarket, where I hear it is now loft.”
The fpecimen before us was found at Wangford near Brandon
by Francis Eagle jun. Efq., and fent by the Rev. Mr. Hemfted*.
It is an annual plant, and flowers in July.
The root is fmall and (lender. Herb rough and flicking to
the hands or clothes by means of fmall hooked fpines, like
Galium Aparine ; hence it has been called Aparine major, and
Great Goofe-grafs. Such of thefe hooks as (land upon the ftem
point downward; thofe on the leaves forward, or towards the
point of the leaf. The Hems are proftrate, fquare, leafy. Leaves
two three or four together, not exactly oppofite, fpreading when
the plant is fupported, when it lies flat they are directed upwards
from the ground. They are oblong or lanceolate, and
entire. Flowers fmall, axillary, folitary, on (hort (talks, deep
blue. Corolla in 5 rounded fegments, its orifice clofed with
fmall purple concave blunt valves. Stamina in the tube, very
(hort. After flowering, the flower-ftalks are reflexed, the calyx
much enlarged, comprefled, enfolding 4 feeds, which are fmooth
in a young ftate, rugged when ripe.
* Mr. Hemiled informs us the Sente Io paludofus, t. 650, was gathered in
JLakenheath fen, not far from Wangford, by himfelf and Mr. Eagle.