B U P L E U R U M tenuiffimum.
Slender Thorough-wax, or Hare's-ear.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
G en. Char, lnvolucrum longer than the umbels, fiveleaved.
Petals curled in. Fruit roundilh, com-
prefled, ftriated.
Spec. C har. Umbels Ample, alternate, of about 3
flowers, with an involucrum of 5 awl-fhaped leaves.
Syn . Bupleurum tenuiffimum. Linn. Sp. PL 343.
Hudf. 1 1 1 . With. 285. Relh. 109.
B. minimum. Raii Sjyn. 22 1 .
G a t h e r e d in plenty by Mr. T. F. Forfter on the Ihore
near Worthing, Suflex. It prefers a muddy foil, overflowed
by fait water, and is found at Lynn, Cley, and Holkham, Norfolk,
flowering in Auguft and September.
Root annual, tapering, but little branched. Herb flender,
rigid, fmooth, branched, erect. Stems zigzag, leafy. Leaves
lanceolate, narrow, pointed, entire, alternate, tapering at the
bafe. Umbels axillary, Ample, fometimes arranged in a fpike;
each of them of about 3 fmall greenilh yellow flowers, fur-
rounded by an involucrum, much longer than themfelves, of
five lanceolate, pointed, ribbed, nearly equal leaves. The
feeds are hemifphserical, comprefled, angular, and rugged.
The whole plant has a pungent difagreeable tafte and fmeli,
and is of an acrid quality. We do not know of its being aP
plied to any ufe.