J4 A [ 63 9 ]
S I U M nodiflorum.
Procumbent Water Parfnep.
P E N T A N D R IA t)igynia•
GrENi C har.; Fruit nearly oval, comprefled, flriated.
Involucrum general and partial, of many leaves.
Petals heart-fhaped, uniform.
Spec. Char. Leaves pinnated ; leaflets ovate, equally
ferrated. Umbels feflile, oppoflte to the leaves.
Stem prdcumbeht.
Syn . Sium nodiflorum. Linn. Sp. PI. 361. Hudf.
1 1 9 . With. 299. Hull. 6 1 . Iielh. 1 1 6 . Sibth. 96.
jibbot. 62. Woodv. Med. Pot. t. 182.
S. umbellatum repens. Ran Syn. 211.
F R E Q U E N T iri ditches and rivulets, as in St. George’s
Fields and fimilar fituations, flowering about July and Auguft.
Root perennial, creeping. Stems procumbent or floating,
toften creeping, various in length, branched, round, hollow,
flightly flriated, fmooth, leafy. Leaves pinnate, of from five to
nine feflile ovate leaflets, which are all neatly and equally ferrated,
the odd one largeft, and fometimes united with the neighbouring
pair. Umbels lateral, oppofite to the leaves, folitary,
nearly feflile, each of about 5 or 7 divaricated rays bearing little
umbels of i ’a or more flowers. General involucrum of but one
leaf, and often entirely wanting. Partial of feveral ovate concave
leaves as long as the partial flower-ftalks. Flowers fmall, greenifli-
white, with flight traces of a calyx. Fruit ovate.
This plant has been recommended in cutaneous diforders,
and on that account has been admitted into the London Pharmacopoeia
and Dr, Woodville’s valuable work. Dr. Withering
prefcribes 3 large fpoonfuls of the juice twice a day in milk. It
cannot be confounded with S. angujlifolium (fee t. 139), as in
that the ftem is eredt, leaves unequally cut, umbels on long
flower-ftalks, with a general involucrum of many leaves.
FI. Dan, t. 247- certainly S. angujlifolium, not nodiflorum.