V E R B A S C U M Thapfus.
Great Mullein, or High Taper.
P E N T A J V D R I A Monogynla.
G en C har. Cor. wheel-fhaped, a little irregular.
Capf fuperior, with 2 cells and 2 valves. Stamina
Spec. C h a r . Leaves decurrent, woolly on both fides.
Stem fimple.
Syn . Verbafcum Thapfus. Linn. Sp. PI. 252. HudJ.
89. With. 248. Relh. 88. Sibth. 77.
V. mas latifolium luteum. Raii Syn. 287.
F R E Q .U E N T on banks, hedges, and wafte ground, more
efpecially on a gravelly or calcareous foil, flowering in July
and Auguft.
The root is biennial, fpindle-fhaped. Stem ereft, Ample,
ftiff and ftraight, from 3 to 5 feet high, leafy, woolly, angular,
winged. Leaves alternate, decurrent, oblong, nearly entire,
very thickly clothed on both fides with white, branched, intricate,
woolly hairs. Spike terminal, ereft, cylindrical, denfe,
many-flowered. Flowers feflile, clofely fet, bright yellow,
rarely white. Stamina yellow, hairy. Anthers red. Stigma
Mr. Robfon communicated to Dr. Withering a mule plant,
produced under his own eyes, from this fpecies impregnated by
V . nigrum. Indeed no genus is more apt to engender fuch
than this.
A pint of cow’s milk with a haudfull of the leaves of this
Mullein, or the V. pulverulentum, t. 487, boiled in it to half a
pint, fweetened with fugar, framed and taken at bed-time, is
a pleafant emollient and nutritious medicine for alraying a
cough, and more particularly for taking off the pain and irritation
of the piles. The whole herb is mucilaginous, and a
little narcotic.