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T E T R A N D R I A Tetragynia.
G en. C har. Cal. none. Petals four. Style none.
Seeds four.
Spec. Char. Leaves briftle-fhaped, parallel, thickly
fet in two ranks.
Syn . Potamogeton pedlinatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 183.
Hndf. FI. A n. 76. With. P ot. A rr. 175. Relh.
Cant. 72. Sibth. Ox. 66.
P. millefolium, feu foliis gramineis, ramofum. Rail
Syn. 150.
T h e Linnatan Herbarium has no fpecimen of the Potamogeton
peBinatum ; but from the whole hiftory of this plant in
Linnaeus and other authors, there can be no doubt of its being
what we have here delineated. We are fure this is what
Mr. Relhan intended, having received fpecimens from him-
felf. It occurs not unfrequently in rivers, though, if the
ftream be rapid, it rarely flowers.
The root is perennial, originating from' a tuberous lump,
then creeping horizontally, flender, much branched, as is alfo
the item, which floats under water, extending often two or
three feet. The leaves, though extremely narrow and pointed,
are flat, and grow alternately, fpreading in two directions,
on the fmall branches, having long Iheathing bafes. The
flowers only rife above the water about June or July, in a
Ample fpike, but cluftered two or three together irregularly.
Petals kidney-fhaped, of a dull olive colour. Antherse yellow,
very diftinCtly two-lobed. Stigmas obtufe, entire.