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S I UM latifolium.
Broad-leaved Water Parjhep.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
Gen. Char. Fruit nearly oval, comprefled, ftriated.
Invelucrum general and partial, of many leaves.
Petals heart-lhaped, uniform.
Spec. Char. Leaves pinnated; leaflets oblong-lanceolate,
equally ferrated. Umbels terminal.
Syn. Sium latifolium. Linn. Sp. PL 36). Hudf. FL
An. 118. With. Bot, Arr. 291. Relh. Cant. 115.
Sibth. Oxon. 96.
S. latifolium foliis variis. Rail Syn. 211.
S e N T by Mr. Woodward from Norfolk, where it is not uncommon,
nor is it of very rare occurrence in rivers and fens
throughout England; but the umbelliferous tribe has been more
overlooked than mod others, except Cryptogamia. This is
pne of the large!! Britilh plants of that tribe. Its perennial
root, creeping among mud and gravel, throws up round, hollow,
deeply furrowed (terns 4 or 5 feet in height, clothed with alternate
leaves, compofed of 7 or 9 leaflets, which vary much
in breadth, but are always very equally and neatly ferrated, in
which refpeft they differ materially from S. anguftifolium, as
well as in being much longer. Mr. Hudfon well remarks, that
fuch as grow under water are often laciniated. The umbels
are terminal, large, and many-flowered. Involucra various in
fize and figure, fometimes lobed and often ferrated. Seeds
It is a plant of an acrid poifonous quality, particularly the