( 668 )
C O R R 1 G I O L A littoralis.
San d S trajiw ort.
P E N T A N D R IA Trigyma.
G en. C har. Cal. inferior, o f 5 leaves. Petals 5.
iSWone, naked, obtufely three-cornered.
Spec. Char.............................
Syn . Corrigiola littoralis. Linn. Sp. PI. 388. Sm.
FI. B rit. 339. With. 318. Hull. 66. Dick/. Dr.
P I. 61. H . S icc.fa fc. 14. 10.
H U D SO N was the original difcoverer of this plant
in England, but not till after the publication of the fecond
edition of his Flora. He found it on Slapham fands near
Dartmouth, Devonfhire. The late Francis Borone gathered it
on the beach near the tin mine at Helfton, Cornwall; and from
feeds communicated by him, the fpecimen here delineated was
raifed by Mrs. Kett in her garden at Seething. As it is not at
all altered by culture, and Mr. Sowerby with Mr. Turner
fought for the wild plant in vain this fummer, we trull our
figure will not be unwelcome.
The root is annual, and the flowers appear profufely in July
and Auguft. Stems numerous, fpreading proftrate on the
ground in every direction, like knot-grafs; they are round,
fmooth, but little branched. Leaves alternate, linear-lanceolate,
obtufe, entire, tapering at the bafe, glaucous, fmooth, a
little flelhy, with a pair of membranous ftipulse at their infer-
tion. Flowers in terminal and lateral clutters, fmall, of a pearly
hue, the leaves of the calyx being bordered with white, and
the petals white alfo. Germen and anther* purplilb. Styles 3,
Ihort, fpreading. Seed black and fhining.