s*y [ 1431 ]
SIUM repens.
Creeping Water Parsnep.
PE N TANDRlA Digynia.
G en. Char. Fruit nearly oval, compressed, striated.
Involucrum general and partial, of many leaves.
Petals heart-shaped, uniform.
Spec. Char. Leaves pinnated; leaflets roundish, deeply
toothed. Umbels on stalks, opposite to the leaves.
Stem creeping.
S y n . Sium repens. Linn. Suppl. 1 8 1 . Sm. FI. Brit. 314.
With. 3 0 0 . Hull. 6 1 . Relh. 1 1 4 . Sibth. 97 .
Abbot. 6 3 . Jacq. FI. Austr. t. 2 6 0 .
P r o b a b l y this species may have been overlooked by
former botanists as a small variety of Sium nodiflorum, see
v. 9. t. 639, till Jacquin described it in his valuable Flora
Austriaca. Since he observed it, many others have recognized
it in various places. Our specimens were sent from near
Edinburgh by the late Mr. Mackay. It flowers in July and
August, and is perennial, growing in moist boggy meadows,
but not in ditches.
The stems are quite prostrate, creeping by means of several
radicles. Leaves formed of a few roundish or wedge-shaped
leaflets, the odd one generally three-lobed; all coarsely and
bluntly toothed, not regularly serrated as in other species.
Umbels on considerable stalks opposite to each leaf, and
formed of a few divaricated partial umbels, composed of numerous
white flowers. General and partial involucrum of
several ovate, ribbed, spreading leaves. Calyx scarcely perceptible.
Fruit small, roundish. Antherse yellow.