CAMP A N U L A Trachelium.
Nettle-leaved Bell-flower.
P E N T A N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. bell-fhaped, clofed at the bottom
by valves bearing the ftamina. Stigma three-cleft.
Capjule inferior, opening by lateral pores.
Spec. Char. Stem angular. Leaves on foot-ftalks.
Calyx fringed. Flower-ftalks three-cleft.
Syn. Campanula Trachelium. Linn. Sp. PI. 235. HudJ.
FI. An. 96. With. Bot. Arr. a 18. Relh. Cantab.
9 4 -
Campanula vulgatior foliis Urticte, vel major et
afperior. Rail Syn. 276.
F o u n d in woods and hedges in a gravelly foil in various
parts o f Great Britain. The root is perennial; and the flowers,
which are occafionally found white, appear in the middle of
fummer. The Item is from two to three feet high, and the
harfh rough leaves look very like thofe of a nettle.
O f all our Britilh fpecies of Campanula, except the rotundi-
folia, this is the moll common: the reft may be reckoned
among the rarer plants.
Fig. 1. Reprefents a ftamen on its valve, feparate.
— 2. Seed-vefiel.