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Sea Bind-weed.
P E N T 4 N D R I A Monogynta.
G e n . C h a r . Cor. b e ll- fh ap ed , plaited. Stigmas 2.
Capfule with 2 cells, and 2 feeds in each.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves kidney-fhaped. Flower-ftalks
tingle-flowered, with membranous angles.
Syn . Convolvulus Soldanella. Linn. Sp. P I. 226.
Hudf. FI. An. 89. With. Bot. A r r . 214.
C. maritimus, Soldanella dictus. Rati Syn. 276.
A N A T IV E of our fandy fea fliores, as at Yarmouth,
Loweftoft, &c. The Rev. Mr. Baker and A. B. Lambert, Efq.
fent it from Weymouth. The beautiful flowers may be found
in July, not much later 5 they expand only in fine weather and
in the early part of the day.
Root long, creeping, perennial. Stems procumbent, fpread-
ing in a circular form, 5 or 6 inches long, but little branched,
angular, purplilh. Leaves on longifh foot-ftalks, fmall, dark-
green, heart or kidney-fhaped, entire, fometimes a little angular.
The whole herb is fmooth and fucculent. Flowers few
and large, axillary, folitary, on long flower-ftalks thickened upwards,
and with 3 or 4 dilated membranous angles. Braftex
large, ovate, clofe to the flower. Calyx-leaves large, ovate.
Corolla with five acute angles, rofe-coloured, the plaits yel-
lowifh. Anthers yellow. Stigmas fmall and fharp. Capfule
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