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V I B U R N U M Opulus.
Common Guelder-rofe, or Water Elder.
P E N T A N U R I A J'rigynia.
G e n . C h a r . Cal. fuperior, of five leaves. Cor. in f iv e
fegments. Berry with one feed.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves lobed; their fqot-ftalks fet w i th
S y n . Viburnum Opulus. Linn. Sp. P I 384. Hudf. FI,
A n. 130. With. Bot. A rr. 318. Relh, Cant. 127.
Sibth. Ox. 104.
Opulus. Rail Syn, 460.
-L H I S Ihrub is common in woods and hedges in w a te ry
places, flowering early in June; the bright-red berries ripen
about September, and towards the middle of Oftober the le ave
affume a beautiful pink-colour, affording another inftance, in
addition to that of the Cornel (fee tab. 249) , of a genus, m oftly
American, the leaves of which turn red in autumn. In gardens
the Guelder-rofe, bearing round ■ bunches of ab o r tiv e j
flowers only, is very common, elegantly grouping with the
Lilac and Laburnum in the early part of fummer.
• It is a fmall bufhy tree, fmooth in all its parts. L e a v e s I
with three great, unequally ferrated, lobes; their foot-ftalks
bearing feveral cup-like glands towards the top, and a pair or
two of erea linear appendages, fcarcely to be called ftipute,
near the bafe. Cymes of many white flowers; the perfed ones
fmall, refembling elder; abortive ones in the margin, each con-
lifting merely of a large irregular flat petal, without organs of I
fruaification. Stigmas nearly feflile, clofe together. Berrie s
drooping, very fucculent. Seed flat, heart-fhaped.