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A N C H U S A fempervirens.
Evergreen Alkanet.
P E N T A N D R I A - Monogynia.
G en. C har. Corolla funnel-lhaped: its orifice clofed
with valves. Seeds hollowed out at the bafe.
Spec. C har. Flower-ftalks axillary, bearing little
heads of flowers, accompanied by two leaves.
Syn . Anchufa fempervirens. Linn. Sp. PL 192. Hudf.
F I. An. 80. With. Bot. Arr. 191. Relb. Cant. 77.
■ Bugloflum larifolium Temper virens. Rail Syn. 227.
O plant can be more common than this is in walle ground
in and about Norwich ; throughout moft other parts of England
it is rarely met with. The firft flowers appear in May, and
are followed by a long fucceflion of others. They are beautiful
in their for^n and colour when clofely examined, otherwife
the plant is of an unfeemly appearance ; it is always, however,
in leaf, and has from thence obtained the name of fempervirens,
though perfectly herbaceous, and not at all fhrubby. Its habit
and generic characters approach nearly to thofe of Myofotis,
the corolla being rather falver-fhaped, than of the true funnel
form of other fpecies of Anchufa.
The leaves are very rough ; the juices of the plant mucilaginous,
as in others of this tribe. We do not know of its
being applied to any ufe.