/f/ C 5*4 ]
V I N C A major.
Greater Periwinkle.
P E N T A N D R IA Monogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Corolla tw ille d , falv er-fh aped . Pouches 2,
e r e f t . Seeds w ith ou t beard o r w in g .
Spec. C har. Stems eredt. Leaves ovate, finely
fringed. Flowers on ftalks.
S y n . V in c a major. Linn. Sp. PI. 30 4 . Hudf. 91.
With. 2 6 9 . Relh. 89. Sibth. 79 . Curt. Lond.
M c• 4- *• 19-
Clematis daphnoides major. Rati Syn. 268.
A N hedges and groves not very unfrequent in a truly wild
ftate; though it is fo generally cultivated in every ornamented
fhrubbery, and grows fo readily, that we cannot always depend
upon its being really of native growth. It flowers in May, and
is one of the greateft ornaments of that favourite feafon.
The roots are perennial, creeping; the Items alfo, which are
roundilh and leafy, fome of them trail and throw out roots,
others grow ere£t and bear flowers, but even thefe afterwards
take root from near their extremities. Leaves oppofite, on
footftalks, ovate, entire, finely fringed on their edges with fhort
rigid hairs, otherwife fmooth and fhining. Flowers folitary,
axillary, alternate, on ftalks about half the .length of the leaves.
Calyx in five awl-fhaped fringed fegments, a.s long as the tube
of the flower. Corolla of a fine purplifh blue, falver-fhaped,
twilled (as in all this natural order of Contorts) ; its tube inflated,
and five-fided in the upper part. Stamina inferted about
its middle, boWed, ciliated and comprefied. Anther« hooded.
Germen double, with 2 glands at its bafe. Style Ample. Stigma
fhaped like a pulley, orange-coloured, its top five-lobed and
downy. The fruit, which Mr. Curtis has not even mentioned,
and which few botanifts have feen, is produced every year in
Mr. Kett’s grounds at Seething, Norfolk, and confifts-of two
awl-fhaped, fmooth, fhining pouches, or folliculiy each containing
one or two oblong feeds, with a groove down their upper
fide. Thefe feeds are roughifh, but naked, or deftitute of
beard, down, or wing.