2,! H [ 8 i9 ]
C R I T H M UM maritimunu
Sea Sumpire.
G en. C har. Involucra general and partial. Fruit
oval, comprefled, ftriated. Flowers regular. Cal.
Spec. C har. Leaflets lanceolate, flefhy.
S y n . Crithmum maritimum. Linn. Sp. P i. 354. Sm.
FI. Brit. 306. Hudf. 117. IVith. 295. Hull. 62.
Dickf. H. Sicc.fafc. 12. 16.
G. marinum. Rail Syn. 217.
F O R this qlaffical fpecimen of an Englifh plant by no means
generally known, we are obliged toL. W . Dillwyn, Efq.F. L.S.
who gathered it on the very cliff at Dover fo finely defcribed by
§hakfpeare in his King Lear :
-------- “ Half way down
Hangs one that gathers Sampire 5 dreadful trade !■”
It is not uncommon in fimilar fituations; but the more uni-
verfal Salicornia has not only ufurped its Englifh name Sam--
phire, (or rather Sampire, as it is a corruption of the French
Saint Pierre), but almoft fupplanted it at our tables as a pickle,
though totally deficient in the aromatic flavour which is the
recommendation of the Crithmum.
The long perennial branching roots run deep into fiffiires
of rocks. The herb is bufhy and fucculent, particularly
its leaves, which are twice or thrice ternate, entire and almoft
linear, very unlike thofe of any other Britifli umbelliferous
plant; their colour a littl^ glaucous. Umbels denfe, hemi-
fpherical. General and partial involucra fmall, ovate, undivided.'
Flowers greenifh-whi.te, all regular and fertile. Then
petals incurved, broad at the bafe; whereas in mod of this
tribe the petals are furnifhed with claws. Fruit elliptical*
furrowed, flefhy, fmooth.