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G A L I U M boreale.
Crofs-leaved Ladies Bedjiraw.
T E T R A N D R I A Monogytiia.
G en. C har. Cor. of one petal, flat. Seeds two,
Spec. C har. Leaves in fours, lanceolate, three-nerved,
not hairy. Stem nearly eredt. Seeds briftly.
Syn . Galium boreale. Linn. Sp. PI. 156. Hud/. FI.
An. 70. With. Bot. Arr. 156.
Mollugo montana eredla quadrifolia. Rail Syn. 224.
T h E Galium before us is one of the molt eafily determined,
being diftinguifhed from the common Aparine by having four
leaves only at each joint, and from every other Britilh fpecies
by its hairy or briftly fruit. It grows only in mountainous
countries,' in rocky lhady places about rivers, very plentifully at
Kirkby Lonfdale, and in other parts of Weftmoreland, as well
as in Scotland. Mr. Robfon fent this fpecimen from the county
of Durham.
The root is long and flender, running deep among the ftones,
tinged with red, which colour it communicates to woollen.
Stems much branched, rough to the touch as well as the leaves,
though not hairy. The leaves are pale beneath, blunt, and very
accurately three-nerved. Copious panicles of milk-white flowers
terminate the ftem in July, at firft fight appearing like thofe
of Galium Mollugo, efpecially when growing among bullies.
The hairs on the fruit are flightly curved upwards, and of a
whitilh. colour.