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P R I M U L A veris.
Common Cowjlip.
P E N T A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Capfule one-celled, fuperior. Tube of
the corolla cylindrical, mouth pervious. Stigma
Spec. Char. Leaves dentated, wrinkled. Border of
the corolla concave.
Svn. Primula veris. HudJ. FI. An. 84. Linn. Sp. PI.
204. FI. Dan. t. 433.
P. officinalis. With. Bot. Arr. 203.
P. veris major. Raii Syn. 284.
X N fpeaking of the Primrofe we have already mentioned its
affinity to this plant; one circumftance is however remarkable
in the Cowflip, a contraction towards the middle of its leaves,
which is not feen in the former. The Cowflip is nearly as common,
and flowers at the fame time: it prefers a clay foilj and
generally an open fituation.
Cowflip flowers are fragrant, and make a pleafant wine, approaching
inflavour to the Mufcadel wines of theSouth of France.
The leaves of this plant and the Primrofe are faid to afford
nouriffiment to filk-worms: but thofe animals are fo very delicate,
and the quality of their filk is fo apt to be injured by the
moft trifling caufes, that they are feldom found worth cultivating
as an article of commerce, unlefs fed with the belt and
moft healthy leaves of the White Mulberry (Morus alba). It is
however an objeCl worthy of the curiofity of thofe who breed
them for amufement, to try what kinds of food may beft be fub-
ftituted in the place of their natural aliment, when a backwar .1
fpring retards the growth of the Mulberry leaves.