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S A L S O L A fruticofa.
Shrubby S a ltw o rt.
P ENTA NDR I A Bigynia.
G en. C har. Cal. 5-cleft j itsbafe capfular. Cor. none.
Seed 1, with fpiral cotyledons.
Spec. Char. Ere&, fhrubby. Leaves femicylindrical,
bluntifh, without fpines.
Syn . Sallola fruticofa. Linn. Sp. PI. 3 24. Hudf. 108.
With. 278. Hull. 57.
Blitum fruticofum maritimum, Vermicularis frutex
didlum. Rail Syn. 156.
T h e firft perfon mentioned as the difcoverer of this plant
in England is the famous Sir Thomas Brown, M. D. of
Norwich, fo well known by his Religio Medici and other
learned productions. He found it on the Norfolk coaft, where
it ftill grows, about Wells and Cley, as well as in Suffolk.
Mr. Lambert favoured us with wild fpecimens from Weymouth.
This forms an elegant evergreen fhrub, flowering in July
and Auguft, not unworthy of a place in gardens. It is propagated
by layers, fcarcely, if at all, by cuttings. The Item
is about 2 feet high or more, ereCt, branched, woody; the
branches alfo ereCt, and thickly clothed with alternate, feflile,
femicylindrical, bluntifh, fucculent, rather glaucous leaves.
Flowers inconfpicuous, feflile, folitary, green, with 3 fmall
brafteae. Seed top-fhaped, its cotyledons lefs convoluted than
thofe of the laft defcribed fpecies.
The leaves have an herbaceous flavour, with a flight degree
of fait and fome acrimony.