r 250 ]
R H A M N U S Frangula.
Berry-bearing Alder.
P R N *T A N D R I A Monogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Cal. tubular. Petals 5 , oppofite to the
ftamina. Berry with few feeds.
Spec. C har. Spines none. Flowers hermaphrodite,
Leaves fmooth, entire. Seeds two.
S yn . Rh amnus F ran gu la . Linn. Sp. PI. 280,
Hudf. FI. An, 98, With. Bot. Arr. 240. Relh.
Cant. 96.
Frangula, feu Alnus nigra baccifera. Rail Syn.
4 6 5 .
J- HIS fiirub occurs in woods and thickets occafionally in
various parts of England, whether in Scotland or not is doubt*
ful. It flowers early in May. The berries are ripe in July.
The ftem grows 3 or 4 feet high, with numerous forked
branches. Leaves on the young ones only, oppofite, obovate,
pointed, entire, veiny, of a bright pleafant green. Flowers
from the bofoms of the leaves, 2 or 3 together, on Ample
flower-ftalks, greenilh, fmall. Calyx cup-fhaped, with 5 re*
flexed fegments, between which Hand the little petals, and
oppofite to them the very minute ftamina, with dark purple
antherae. Germen fuperior, with a very (hort ftyle. Berry
dark purple, with 2 hemifphterical feeds,
According to the Difpenfatory thefe berries are fometimes
mixed with thofe of Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus), or fub-
ftituted for them, as are even thofe of the Cornel-tree figured
on the laft plate. In the latter inftance the deception would
probably be greater than in the former, for both thefe Rhamni
are nearly alike purgative. The work juft quoted adds very pro-
perly, that thefe fruits are eafily diftinguilhed, by the Buck,
thorn having 4 feeds, R. Frangula 2, and the Cornus but J,
or rather 1 nut enclofing 2 kernels,