CH E N O P O D IUM maritimum.
Sea Goofefoot,
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
G en. C har. Cal. 5-cleft, inferior. Cor. none. Seed 1,
lenticular, invefted with the clofed five-fided calyx,
Spec. Char. Leaves awlfhaped, femicylindrical. Flow-
ers axillary, feffile.
Syn. Chenopodium maritimum. Linn. Sp. PI. 321,
Hudf. 107. With 273. Hull. 57. Relh. 106.
Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 4. 7.
Blitum Kali minus album didlum. Rail Syn. 156,
A V ER Y frequent plant on the fea-fhore, more efpecially
where the foil is muddy, flowering about July and Auguft.
Root fibrous, annual, fmall in proportion to the whole herb.
Stem ere£t, much branched, roundith, leafy. Leaves alternate,
femicylindrical, fharpifh, fmooth, fucculent, abounding with a
fait juice. Flowers fefiile, cluttered, green, with a pair of
bra&eae to each. Stamina fhorter than the calyx. Seeds
minutely ftriated, of a deep fhining black.
Mr. Doody has obferved that this herb is an “ excellent
boiled fallad,” a term we are not adepts enough in cookery to
underhand. The experiment may eafily be made by thofe
who refide near the coaft. ft abounds, like many other maritime
plants, with alkaline fait, and is one of thofe which are
indifcriminately colle&ed in the warmer parts of Europe for
the manufactory of glafs.
^p/i %/. iy Jf. v