w [ 869 ]
D R O S E R A anglica.
Great Sun-dew.
G en. C h a r . Cal. 5 - c le ft . Pet. 5 . Caff. fup erior,
o f 1 c e ll, with 3 valves. Seeds m a n y .
Spec. C har. Leaves oblong, obtufe, radical, upright.
Styles eight. Capfules with four valves.
Syn. Drofera anglica. Hudf. 1 3 5 . Sm. FI. Brit. 3 4 7 .
With. 3 2 4 . Hull. 68. Abbot. 7 2 . Dickf. H.Sicc.
fafc. a- 7*. .
Rorella longifolia maxima. Rail Syn. 3 5 6 .
L lN N T E U S has not noticed this fpecies. It is by far lefs
frequently met with than either of the others. W e have
gathered it in Norfolk, and have received it from the Rev. Mr.
Abbot, as well as from Dr. Hull. It is moil; nearly related
to the D. longifolia, but is generally twice as large. Dr. Hull
thinks it not more frequently furnifhed with 8 ftyles than that
fpecies. W e have however found 8 petals and as many ftamina
in fome plants, a number exceeding any obferved in the longifolia.
The more elongated form of the capfule mentioned by
Dr. Hull promifes to be a good difcriminative mark, but we have
not had an opportunity of obferving it. The bafe of the
flower-ftalk being curved or ftraight, feems to us variable.
The mod: certain character of this fpecies feems to confift:
in the oblong and almoft linear form of its leaves, which we
have not found to vary. Our opinion is confirmed by the
obfervations of the Rev. Mr. Forby, who finds both thefe plants
in the fame fituation, and even entangled together, but always
retaining this difference in their foliage, however the parts of
falsification may vary in number.
Some theoretical do&ors of old, feeing the perpetual moifture
on the Sun-dew even in the greateft heat, thought it would be
a good medicine for confumptive patients, whofe moifture
they fuppofed to be drying up. Rut good old Gerarde confefles
that thofe who took this new reftorative died the fooneft 3
■ which is no wonder, confidering its acrid nature.