p [ 1628 ]
PULMONARIA anogustifolia.
Narrow-leaved Lungwort.
G en. Char. Corolla funnel-shaped, pervious. ■ Calyx
prismatic, five-sided.
Spec. Char.. Calyx nearly as long as the tube. Leaves
all lanceolate, rough.
Syn. Pulmonaria angustifolia. Linn. Sp. PL 194.
With. 228. Hull. 47. FI. Dan. t. 483. Park.
Parad. 251. ƒ 2.
P. foliis echii. R ail Syn. 226. Ger. em. 808.
A f t e r much doubt and confusion we are at length able to
determine the Pulmonaria angustifolia to be a native of Britain.
This specimen was gathered by Mr. Turner and Mr. W . Borrer,
June 3, 1806, in a wood between Newport and Ride in the
Isle of W ight. It is certainly the plant of Linnaeus, agreeing
with his specimens from Scara (see FI. Suec.), and we are
now satisfied of its being what Mr. Waring sent Mr. Robson
from Flintshire; see Withering. It must also be what Ray
intended, and we therefore venture to remove his synonym
from the P . officinalis, FI. Brit. 217, our t. 118 ; from which
last also the citation of Gerarde is to be erased, and replaced
by his P . maculosa. We are obliged to Mr. Robson for
pointing out an error in our t. 118, the uncoloured radical
leaves of which belong to P . angustifolia, and were probably
sent us by mistake. Hence arose our doubts as to the distinction
of the two species, which are now removed.
The plant before us is known from the other, so common
in gardens, by being much less spotted, and especially by the
long lanceolate form of its radical leaves, which are not at all
cordate or ovate. There is also a difference in the aspect of
the two plants and their flowers. Both are perennial, flowering
about May. ■Aug.zïSoö.jhiblishd. try J a f Sewcrby L -r