2A . 2 C *39 1
S I UM anguftifolium.
Narrow-leaved Water Parfnep.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
G en. C h ar. Fruit nearly oval, comprefled, fhriatcd.
Involucrum general and partial, of many leaves.
Petals heart-fhaped, uniform.
Spec. C har. Leaves pinnated; leaflets irregularly
lobed and ferrated. Umbels on foot-ftalks oppo-
fite to the leaves. Stem ereft.
Sy n . Sium anguftifolium. Linn. Sp. PI. 1672. HudJ.
FI. An. 1 1 9 , With. Bot. Arr. 292. Relh. Cant.
1 1 6 .
S. eredlum. Hudf. FI. An. ed. 1. 103.
S. five Apium paluftre, foliis oblongis. Rail Syn. 211.
HIS is frequently found in ditches and rivulets, and having
been originally confidered by Linnaeus as a variety of S.
latifolium, was firft eftablifhed as a diftinft fpecies by Mr.
Hudfon. The Rev. Mr. Relhan fent this fpecimen from near
Cambridge. It flowers in July and Augufl.
Root perennial, creeping, fo as to occupy much fpace. Stem
upright, with whorls of radical fibres in its lower part under
water, round, ftriated, fmooth, much branched above. Leaves
alternate, Amply pinnated; leaflets feffile, the lowermoft pair
remote from the reft, and fmaller, at leaft in the lower leaves,
in which alfo the leaflets are obliquely heart-lhaped at the bafe;
otherwife they are lanceolate, often fo deeply lobed as to -become
haftate, pointed, very irregularly and fharply ferrated, and
very fmooth. The umbels Hand folitary, oppofite to each leaf,
on divaricated footftalks fomewhat Ihorter than the adjoining
leaf. General involucrum of many drooping leaves, which are
occafionally entire, ferrated or pinnatifid ; the partial ones are
oval and more entire. Calyx of five minute teeth. Petals
heart-fhaped, with an inflexed claw from the finus, all uniform.
Stamina twice as long as the corolla, fpreadine. Fruit fmooth,
(lightly ribbed, oval.