t y o [ 800 ]
L O N I C E R A Periclymenum.
Common Honeyfuckle, or Woodbine.
G e n . C h a r . Cor. of 1 petal, irregular. Berry inferior,
of a cells, with feveral feeds. -
S p e c . C h a r . Heads of flowers ovate, imbricated,
terminal. Leaves all feparate, deciduous. Flowers
S y n . Lonicera Periclymenum. Linn. Sp. PI. 247.
Sm. FI. Bril. 260. Hudf. 94. With. 246. Hull. 53.
Relb. 93. Sibth. 81. Abbot. 49. Curt. Lond. fafc.
1. t. 15.
Caprifolium Germanicum. Raii Syn. 458.
T . H IS elegant plant which decorates our hedges fo abundantly,
and whofe flowers perfume the air fo delightfully in a!n
evening or after rain, differs eflentially from that in the laft
plate in having all the leaves diftinft, not perfoliate, the flowers
collected into an ovate head, not axillary, and the fruit crowned
with a five-toothed calyx, inftead of the nearly entire rim
obfervable in the other. The berries are alfo rounder, of a
darker red, and often roughifti. The twining ftem climbs to
a confiderable height upon trees and bufhes. The leaves are
entire, for the moil part feflile, generally of a full green and
fmooth, paler beneath, often hairy, and in that cafe they are
all over of a lighter hue. There fometimes occurs a remarkable
variety with finuated, generally variegated, leaves, called the
Oak-leaved Honeyfuckle.
The Common Honeyfuckle is liable to many variations in
the different degrees of fmoothnefs or hairinefs of its leaves,
fruit and younger branches, as well as in the colour of its
flowers, which are either externally of a deep red, or altogether
of a pale yellowifh hue ; by the fea fide they are often quite
green. We have not however been able to find afiy fpecific
diftinftion between thefe varieties. They all flower moft plentifully
in June and July, but occafionally throughout the autumn