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LONICERA Xyloiteum.
Upright Honeyfuckle.
P ENTANDR1A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. of i petal, irregular. Berry inferior,
with feveral feeds.
Spec. Char. Stalks two-flowered. Berries diftindt.
Leaves entire, downy.
S yn . Lonicera Xylofteum. Linn. Sp. PI. 248. Berk.
Outlin. ed. x . v . i . 60. With. 247. Sym. Syn. 59.
Hull. 53.
Periclymenum rectum germanicum. Ger. em. 1294.
B e RKENHOUT, on the authority of Wallis’s Hiftory of
Northumberland, mentions this fhrub as growing in the fiffures
of rocks under the Roman wall near Shewing-Sheels, akind of
fituation in which it fhould feem to be truly wild : but its
being frequent in gardens has made me confider it hitherto as
a doubtful native, notwithftanding the opinion of Dr. Withering.
I fhall no longer difpute the point, having received the
fpecimen here figured from Mr. W . Borrer junior, who found
this plant “ growing plentifully, and certainly wild, in a coppice
called the Hacketts, to the eaft of Houghton bridge, 4 miles
from Arundell, Suflex.” It flowers in July.
The ftem is upright, bufhy, very much branched. Branches
oppolite, round; thofe of the prefent year downy and leafy.
Leaves oppofite, on foot-ftalks, ovate, rather pointed, entire,
flexible, clothed on both fides with fhort foft hairs, deciduous.
Flowers inodorous, in pairs, on folitary axillary ftalks fhorter
than the leaves. Outer bra&eae a pair of awl-fhaped hairy
fpreadingleaves; inner, a concave blunt hairy fcale under each
germen. Calyx in 5 obtufe lobes. Corolla yellowifh white,
often tinged with red, downy; the upper lip four-cleft, lower
undivided. Stamina equal, downy, fhorter than the corolla.
Berries oval, red, feparate, of one cell, juicy, containing 6 or
more feeds.
/. f&o.t. ZFuiti/heeZ- $y Sotveriy. J/tmdens.