, [ 4 ° 8 ]
P I M P I N E L L A magna.
Great Burnet-Saxifrage.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
G en. Char. Invohcra none. Fruit ovato-oblong,
ribbed. # Petals indexed. Stigmas fomewhat globular.
Spec. C har. Leaves pinnate: leaflets ovate, the terminal
one three-lobed.
Syn . Pimpinella magna, Linn. Mant. 219. With}
Bot. A rr. 314. ed. 3. 313. Relh. Cant. 125. Sibth.
Ox. 102.
P. major. Hudf. FI. An. 127.
P. faxifraga. Rail Syn. 213.
T h i s fpecies is lefs common than the preceding, and grows
chiefly in woods and hedges in a calcareous foil, flowering in
Auguft or later. We received it from Mr. Robfon. Dr. Smith
obferved it under the walls of York.
Root perennial, woody, like that of P. faxifraga in flavour,
but rather weaker. Stem 2 feet or more in height, round,
flriated. Leaves on rather Ihorter footftalks than in the laft de-
fcribed, pinnated, but of fewer leaflets (fcarcely more than 3
pair), and thofe larger, ovate, or ovato-lanceolate, the terminal
one more or lefs deeply three-cleft, and all ftrongly ferra-
ted. Sometimes, as it is reported, the upper leaves are deeply
pinnatifid, but that is not generally the cafe. Flowers commonly
white, about the fize of the laft, and like them in ftruc-
ture; but in alpine fituations they often becomerofe-coloured.
Linnaeus originally confounded this with the laft, but was afterwards
convinced of his miftake ; it being very different in
habit and fize, and effentially diftinguilhed by the form, as well
as greater fmoothnefs, o f the leaves. Hudfon always made them