C 6 ]
P R I M U L A farinofa.
Bird's-Eye Primrofe.
P E N T A N D R I A Monogyma.
G en. C har. Capfule one-celled, fuperior. Tube of
the corolla cylindrical, mouth pervious. Stigma
Spec. Char. Leaves crenated, fmooth. Border of
the corolla flat.
Sy n . Primula farinofa. Linn. Sp. PI. 205. Hudf. FI. An.
84. With. Bot. Arr. 204. FI. Dan. t. 125.
Verbafculum umbellatum alpinum minus, Raii Syn.
W E T paftures and little rills on the fides of mountains in
the north of England, efpecially in Weftmoreland, are the favourite
fituations of this elegant plant, nor can our Britilh
Flora boaft many more beautiful productions. Of late years it
has been frequently introduced into gardens. The powdery
whitenefs of its ftalks and the backs of its leaves refembles that
of the Auricula. This circumftance, from whence the trivial
name farinofa is taken, is not reprefented in the Flora Danica.
The habit of this Primula molt nearly approaches that of the
genera Androface and Aretia, two very elegant tribes of plants
found in alpine fituations on the continent, and much fought
after by botanifts. In thofe genera however the tube of the
corolla is oval, not cylindrical, and its orifice more or lefs clofed
with glands; whereas in all the Primulas that part is open, and
only flightly crenated. Neverthelefs thefe three genera, and
even Cortufa, might perhaps be united without any great violence
to nature.