E R Y N G I UM campeftre.
Field Eryngo.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
G e n . C h a r . Flowers in lit tle d enfe heads. Receptacle
fca ly .
S p e c . C h a r . L e a v e s em b ra c in g th e ftem , divided in
a p inn ated manner.
S y n . E r y n g ium camp eftre . Linn. Sp. PI. 3 3 7 . Hudf.
FI. An. n o . With. Bot. A rr. 264.
E . vu lg a re . Rati Syn. 22 2.
A l t h o u g h very common on the continent, and therefore
denominated vulgare by Bauhin, Camerarius, &c. this
fpecies is fo very rare in England, that we cannot follow thofe
Britifh authors, however refpectable, who name it common
Eryngo. We are aflured by the Rev. Mr. Wood, of Leeds,
that it ftill grows by the Watling-ftreet road, oppofite Brook-
hall, near Daventry, as mentioned by Ray. Our figure was
drawn from a garden fpecimen compared with a wild one, with
which it perfectly agreed.
The root is perennial and ftrong. Stem a foot high, much
branched. The whole plant very rigid, and of a pale green.
It flowers in July and Auguft. The petals are white or pur-