C A U C A L I S latifolia.
Broad-leaved Caucalis.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia.
Gen. Char. CorolU radiate. Fruit nearly oval,
ftriated, rough with rigid briftles. Some flowers
Spec. Char. General umbels three-cleft, with membranous
involucra : partial ones ripening about 5
feeds. Leaves pinnated, ferrated.
Syn. Caucalis latifolia. Linn.SyJl. Veg. ed. 14 .2 7 6 .
HudJ. FI. An. 1 13 . With. Bot.Arr. 2 7 1 . Relh. Cant.
C . arvenfis echinata latifolia. Ran Syn. 219.
T o rd y lium latifolium. Linn. Sp. Pit 345. HudJ.
FI. An. ed. 1 .9 8 .
T P HIS is rather lefs frequent than the laft, but thrives in the
fame kind of foils and fituations. It is one of the moll beautiful
of umbelliferous plants, and makes a confpicuous appearance
in the dry fields of Cambridgefhire in July.
Root annual. Stem taller and lefs fpreading than in C.
daucoides, but as deeply furrowed, and more rough. Leaves
rather glaucous, rough, Amply pinnated, ferrated •, the lower
pair of leaflets fometimes compound at the bafe. Umbels of
rarely more than 3 rays, with a general involucrum of 3 or 4
fhort ovate leaves, ribbed in the middle, with a membranous
border. Partial umbels of feveral nearly feflile flowers, of
which about 5 come to perfe&ion. Partial involucra like the
general ones. Flowers red, a little radiate. Seeds very rough
with reddifh upright ftraight rough briftles.