L I C H Ë N Itete-virens.-
Bright-green Lichen.
C R Y P T OGAM I A Alge,
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the'
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Foliaceous, creeping, obtufely lobed and
crenated; bright green above; whitifh, downy and
without veins beneath. Shields tawny.
Syn. Lichen laete-virens. Lightf. Scot. 85 a. Dickf.
Dr. PI. 23.
L. herbaceus.- HudJ. FI. An. 544. With. Bót. Arr.
v - 3 - 1 9 5 -
Lichenoides arbotetïm cinereb' virens, tenue’ & laeve'
ubique, fcutellis minoribus. Raii Syn. 73.
L. laete virens, fcutellis fulvis. Dill. Mufe. 195. t. 2$.
f . 9 8 .-
T h IS Lichen is next akin to that in our Iaft plate, but a-
perfeftly diftinfl: fpecies. We prefer Mr. Lightfoot’s name alfo'
in this inftance,-becaufe it has been moll generally received, and
is expreffive of the peculiarly beautiful green which this plant af-
fumes when moiftened. Befides, herbaceus in botanical language
is too generally ufed toexprefs duration, to be intelligible where
applied to colour.
The fpecies before us is .found in fimilar places with the
preceding, but more frequently, efpecially in Derbyfhire and
Weftmoreland. It differs from that in being thinner, lefs ex-
tenfive, without the tufted excrefcences, and of a very different
colour. When dry it becomes brown. The fhields are copioufly
produced, a little elevated, their margin fmooth, turned in,
their difk deep orange, turning brown in drying.
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