9. [ 9 ^ ]
L I C H E N aquilus.
Sun-burnt Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth thields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Imbricated, fbmewhat cartilaginous ;
its fegments linear, many-cleft, convex, incurved
at the edge, of a dull tawny brown ; fhaggy beneath.
Shields dark brown.
Syn. Lichen aquilus. Achar. Prod. 109.
L . fufcus. Hudf. 333. Dick/. H. Sicc. /a/c. 6. 23.
Hull. 293.
L. pullus. Light/. 825.
L. obfcurus. With. ‘u. 4. 28.
Lichenoides anguftifolium fufcum, fcutellis" pullis.
Dill. Mu/c. 173. t. 24. ƒ. 69.
F o UND on expofed rocks about Edinburgh by Lightfoot;
in North Wales by the Rev. H. Davies ; and in Cornwall by
Mr. Turnerand Mr. Sowerby. It is a rare fpecies, apparently
but little known on the continent.
The fronds are entangled and imbricated, forming broadifh
uninterrupted patches, but loofely fixed to the rocks by the
fibrous brown radicles that clothe their under fides, and in dry
weather ftarting from them and becoming very brittle. They
are linear, various in breadth, though always narrow compared
with moft fpecies, repeatedly forked and laciniated, convex
(their edges being inflexed), fmooth, of a tawny brown or fun-
burnt hue, very pale towards their extremities. Shields numerous,
not large, dark-brown, with a thick, inflexed, rugged or
crenate border of the colour and fubftance of the frond.
We have hefitated which name out of the four fynonyms to
retain. Fufcus, the oldeft, has been generally neglected; pullus
has been given to many other Lichens. Either of thefe however
would have been eligible, as being included in the fynonym
of Dillenius, had not Dr. Acharius chofen a new and perhaps
happier denomination.