[ 9 3 i ]
LICHEN pellitus,
Fleecy Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . Ch a r . Peltate, leafy, lobed, fmooth, of a
greenith copper-brown ; beneath coal-black, and
clothed with branching intricate hairs. Tubercles
black, convex, plaited, intricate.
Syn. Lichen pellitus. Achar. Prod. 149.
L . velleus. Hudf. 550.
L. polyrrhizus. Light/. 864. With. v. 4. 64.
Hull. 30a.
Lichenoides pullum fuperne et glabrum, inferne
nigrum et cirrhofum. Dill. Mufc. 2,16. t. 30.
ĥ _____
T H E fingular tribe of umbilicate or peltate-fronded Lichens
is almoit entirely alpine, growing on expofed rocks, each plant
fixed by a very ftrong central root or roots, the circumference
being loofe, and in dry weather often curled inwards. We
have hinted, v. 9 . p. 5 9 3 , that the fructification is peculiar in
fuch as properly conftitute this natural tribe; indeed it might
almoft form a generic character, as will appear prefently.
This was fent from Yorkfliire by Mr. W. Brunton, and
from Durham by the Rev. Mr. Harriman. It grows alfo on
the Welch and Highland mountains—always, we believe, on
micaceous rocks. Linnaeus confounded it with his velleus,
which is a very different plant, of which we conceive his polyr-
rhizos to be a variety. L. pellitus, firft well eftablithed as a
fpecies by Dr. Acharius, is very much lobed, finuated, and
notched; fmooth, not wrinkled or veined; of a greenith or
gray brown, varying to a copper-colour; often fprinkled with
branching black warts. Beneath it is black, entirely and
uniformly covered with denfe branched coal-black hairs, which
alfo fringe the margin. Tubercles rather rare, convex, black,
formed of a multitude of plaited hair-like lines, but much more
complicated and intricate than in any other umbilicated fpecies.