/'V ( 688 )
L I C H E N fcopulorum.
I v o r y R o c k L i c h e n .
c r y p t o g a m i a Alga.
Gen. Char. M a le , fcatte red warts. F em a le , fmooth
fh ie ld s or tu b e rc le s , in w h ich th e feeds are imb
Spec. Ch a r . L e a fy , p en d en t, b ran ch ed , divaricated,
lin e a r ,com p re fled , p o lifh ed, g re en ith -w h ite . Shields
la te ra l, m a rg in a l, b row n ith , rathe r c o n v e x , on
fh o r t fta lk s .
Syn. L ic h e n fcopulorum. Retz. Prod. ed. 2. 28a .
Dickf.fafc. 3 . 18 . FI. Dan. t. 9 5 9 ./ .. 2. With,
v . 4 . 3 7 . Hull. 2 9 7 .
-M r. DICKSON mentions this Lichen as growing 01
rocks and large Hones in Scotland and England. It is, however
entirely a maritime fpecies. Our fpecimens were gathered or
the granite rocks of Lemorna Cove, near the Land’s End b,
J. L Knapp, Efq. F.L.S. Mr. D. Turner and Mr. Sowerb
alfo found it plentifully in the fame neighbourhood. It is perennial,
and the fru&ification is to be found at all feafons.
. The fronds grow pendent from the rocks, from 2 to /inches
m ength, much branched, linear, narrow, pointed, comprefled
and fomewhat pitted, their colour a greenith or yellowifh white,
and their furface fo fmooth and glofly as to bear agreat refem-
blance to ivory, fo that the name eburneus might with much
propriety have been applied as a fpecific denomination. The
fhields grow on the margin upon fhort comprefTed ftalks, and
are nearly flat, pale brown, at length in decay black, and’ their
edge is turned backwards, when young they have a narrow
brown highly polifhed border. This fpecies is of the fame
tribe of Lichens with L. calicarisjraxineus, and fome others.
In colour furface, and fenfible qualities it nearly approaches
-L<. articulatus.