[ 1351 ]
LICHEN tenellus.
Little Ciliated Lichen.
b i /
G en . Ch a r . Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are. imbedded.
Spec. Ch a r . Leafy, membranous, procumbent, smooth,
greyish : segments linear ; their extremities ascending,
dilated, obtuse, vaulted, fringed. Shields sessile,
Syn. Lichen tenellus. Weber. 235. Achar. Prod. 1 7 2 .
With. v. 4. 56. Hull. 297. Relh. 466. Sibth. 329.
Abbot. 266. Ehrh. Crypt. 217.
L. ciliaris (3. Huds. 538.
Lichenoides hispidum minus et tenerius, scutellis nigris.
DHL Muse. 152. t. 20. f . 46.
L . saxatile et arboreum tenerius, foliis pilosis, scutellis in
aversa foliorum superficie apparentibus. Dill, in
Rail Syn. 74.
L . hispidum. Hoffm. PL Lich. t. 3. f . 2 , 3 .
Parmelia tenella. A char. Meth. 250.
C o m m o n on the bark of trees, or rather on the branches
of shrubs, as well as on pales and stones. The sloe and other
bushes in our hedges generally abound with this species at all
seasons of the year.
The fronds are depressed, much branched, and somewhat
imbricated, of a brilliant greyish white, forming creeping
patches scarcely an inch broad; their segments linear, zigzag,
rather convex ; dilated, obtuse, and vaulted, or somewhat inflated,
at their extremities, often powdery, and fringed at that
part with long, blackish or white, undulating bristles. The
shields are sessile on the upper surface of the frond, of a blueish
or greyish black, flat; their border of the substance and colour
of the leaf, indexed, externally very smooth, internally crenate. AeJbtP-Z~z8o+. iff <f 9\ifafiff,-Zm3a7tf.