C 3 7 4 ]
L I C H E N Bseomyces.
Pink Mujhroom Lichen.
C R Y P T O G AMI A Algce.
G en . Ch a r . Male, fcattered warts.
Female, finooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft leprous, granulated, greenifh white,
lubercles on footftalks, tumid, lobed, flefh-co-
S y n . Lichen Basomyces. Linn. Suppl. 450. Retz.
Sound, 273« Sibth, Ox, 321.
L ‘ S Cf ° n Um- F eb- Gott- I 9 5 - With, Bot, Arr, v, « L igh lf Scot. 800. 3. 167.
L . fungoides. Swartz. Ind. Occ. 146. Gmel Svtt
^ t . 1357. ^ ’
Lichenoides fungiforme, crufta leprofa Candida, ca-
pitulis & pediculis incarnatis. Rail Syn. 70.
Coralloides fungiforme carneum, baft leprofa. Dill
Mufc. 76. t. 14./. 1.
T -------------------------
1 ft j rS-iT7 eI?£an‘ fPecies is much more rare than the two
laltdefcnbeci. Dr. Smith found it on a mountainous heath
MontgomeryOure and it is faid to grow in Scotland and the
north of England. Dillemus fays, no one had found this Lichen
m England except Dr. Richardfon. Mr. Lightfoot was
evidently acquainted with i t ; but whether any other Britilh
writer has feen it, or merely copied it from Dillenius, may be
oil e . t is certainly diftinft enough from the original
epcetorumoi Lmnseus, fee our tab. 3 7 2 , indeed much more
to, as Lightfoot obferves, than from the by Abides, t. 7 70. The
crufts of allthefe are nearly alike; green or greyilh when young,
and in moift weather ; white when old and dry. Their fur-
face granulated and tuberculated, not powdery. But the beau-
1 P11? “Coloured fructification of L. Baomyces clearly diftinguilhes
it, being fo different in hue from that of the by/Toides,
and alfo much larger, more lobed, and varioufly formed. The
colour of its tubercles is fimilar to the flat fhields of the ericeto-
rum, but more vivid, of a wax-like hue, not fcarlet as in L.
coccvferm. Thefe tubercles are fpongy within. Their ftalks
whitilh, compreffed and furrowed, fo that they might eafily be
taken for a little fpecies of Helvetia, were it not for the cruft
out of which they grow, their firm and durable texture, and
want of a fungous fmell.
Jtth tu jp v T l t L k s D ■ I f ' ' ) . - .