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F U C U S ciliatus.
Ciliated Fucus.
G en . Ch a r . Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
S p e c . C h a r . Frond membranous, tough, pinnatifid,
clothed and fringed with fcattered, awl-thaped,
moftly Ample, procefles, bearing the feeds in a
globular tubercle.
Syn. Fucus ciliatus. Linn. Mant. 136. Gooden, and
Woodw. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 3. 160. Turn.
Syn. 169. Hudf. 580. Hull. 321. Lightf. 944.
F . holofetaceus. Gmel. Fuci, 177. t. 21. ƒ. 2.
With. v. 4. 104.
F. membranaceus rubens anguftifolius, marginibus
ligulis armatis. Raii Syn. 47.
N o t uncommon on the coaft, efpecially in the fouth and
weft of England, bearing its fruit in the winter months.
Root of many branching round fibres. Frond membranous,
hut more inclining to coriaceous than in the two laft, of a
dark opaque red; its form more or lefs regularly pinnatifid,
very various in breadth, its fegments acute; the edges fringed,
and the furface more or lefs thickly clothed, with awl-thaped,
fpreading, moftly fimple, procefles, fome of which bear the
feeds in a folitary globular tubercle, generally, but not always,
terminal. F. jubatus of the Linn. Tranf. feems, as Dr.
Goodenough fufpefted, a variety of this with long luxuriant
barren ciliae. Some very flender fpecimens of F. ciliatus, fent
by Sir T. Frankland from Devonthire and the Ifle of Wight,,
(fee our figure) might be taken for another fpecies, were it not
for intermediate ones which prove them not to be diftinft.
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