FUCUS acicularis.
Needle-branched Fucus.
G e n . C h a r . Seeds produced in clustered tubercles,
which burst at their summits.
S pec . C h a r . Frond pale red, somewhat cartilaginous,
thread-shaped, repeatedly forked; its segments
spreading, sharp-pointed, beset with scattered thornlike
processes. Tubercles scattered, sessile, globular.
Sy n . F ucus acicularis. Turn. Hist. Fucor. v. 2. 143.
t. 126.'
F o u n d cast on the shore of Cornwall by P. Rashleigh, Esq.
and at Belfast by Mr. Templeton, according to Mr. Turner,
to whom we are obliged for a specimen.
Several fronds, 2 or 3 inches long, arise from one small
callous base, and seem, as Mr. Turner suspected, to creep by
their lower branches. Above they are subdivided, threadshaped
but occasionally somewhat flattened, loosely spreading,
their upper part considerably branched arid divaricated, with
many shorty sharp, spine-like, ultimate segments. The colour
is a purplish red, white within. The fructification is said
to consist of pale red globular lateral warts, but this we have
never seen.