Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
S pec. Ch a r . Fronds creeping, crustaceous, wrinkled,
greyish yellow, lobed and toothed. Shields very
numerous, crowded, flat, orange, with a thick in-
flexed, greenish margin.
Syn. Lichen polycarpus. Ehrh. Crypt. 1 3 6 .
Lobaria polycarpa. Hoffm. FI. Germ. v. 2. 1 5 9 .
Parmelia candelaria (2. Ach. Meth. 1 8 7 .
F o u n d frequently on wooden rails and pales long exposed
to the weather. Mr. Turner showed it to us in great perfection
near Yarmouth, whence our specimen was taken.
The fronds when young form little round patches, of a
greenish grey tinged with yellqw when growing on branches
of trees, or in the shade, but in exposed sunny places they
assume more of a golden hue. They creep slowly over the
wood, and are wrinkled or puckered, their margin lobed and
jagged. By age they assume the appearance of a wide-extended,
broken of scattered, crust. The under part and inner substance
are whitish. Innumerable shields, elevated on thipk short stalks,
cover the frond even from its earliest growth, and at , length
not only crowd but overlay one another. Their disk is flattish,
always deep orange-coloured; their margin of the hue of the
frond, indexed, thick when young, at length thinner and
L . candelarius often grows intermixed with this, but their
fronds appear to us perfectly distinct in nature under every
Variety of form. L . polycarpus may perhaps have been taken
by some British botanists for juniperinus, a species not found
jn this country,
O ctuSoj.F ubU shA ~by Ja ■' Sonerln/ London,.