[ 1500 ]
LICHEN fuscellus.
L ittle G re y Wart Lichen.
G en . Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust thick, smooth, cracked, g re y ;
black within. Tubercles minute, flat, not prominent,
S y n . Lichen fuscellus. Turn. T r. o f Linn. Soc. v. 7 .
90. 1. 8. f . 2.
SENT by Mr. James Turner from Gorlestone church, where
it was originally discovered by his brother, whose description
may be found in the 7th volume of the Linnean Society’s
The crust is irregular and indeterminate, a line or more in
thickness, growing on calcareous stones, to whose inequalities
it conforms, but is otherwise level and smooth, of a pale
grey externally, black, or variegated with green, within. It is
all over deeply cracked into angular portions of various sizes,
between which the black colour is conspicuous, at least in a
d * state, A black tubercle of a very small size, flat, and level
with the surface, commonly occupies the centre of each portion
of the crust. No perforation is to be discovered. When
young the tubercles are depressed and of a pale brown, exactly
as in the Endocarpon tribe, to which we should rather refer
this plant than to Verrucaria. If rubbed when moist the crust
remains green, and the surface when cut is permanently of
that colour.
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