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LICHEN incurvus.
Incurved Yellow-warted Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Slightly imbricated, membranous, partly
crustaceous, pale yellowish green; its segments
much divided, narrow, radiating, convex, incurved.
Warts yellowish. Shields chesnut-coloured.
Syn. Lichen incurvus. Persoon in Ust. Annal. fa s c .
7. 24. A ch a r. Prod. 107.
L. multifidus. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c . 3. 16. t. 9. ƒ . 7.
With. v. 4. 28. Hull. 294.
S p e c im e n s of this elegant Lichen have been sent us from
Durham by the Rev. Mr. Harriman, and from Scotland by
Mr. G. Don. It grows on quartz and sandstone, only in
mountainous countries.
Sometimes the fronds spread in a regular and beautiful
circle, but they are frequently interrupted in their growth by
the ruggedness of the stones to which they are attached. The
centre is almost crustaceous, the margin leafy, membranous,
somewhat imbricated, repeatedly cut into narrow divaricated
convex segments, whose margins and extremities, wherever
they have an opportunity, are incurved. Their edges are
often black, but the general colour of the frond is a pale
yellowish green, or sulphur-colour. Yellowish powdery
warts are plentifully sprinkled over the surface. The shields
are more rare, nearly sessile, small, reddish brown, flat,
with a thick, elevated, often powdery, margin, of the colour
of the leaf.