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LICHEN granulatus.
Granulated Gelatinous Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leafy, gelatinous, fleshy, granulated on
both sides, of a blackish olive colour; its lobes
crowded, rounded, plaited, crisped and cut. Shields
scattered, dark brown.
Syn. Lichen granulatus. Huds. 536- With. v. 4. 73.
Hull. 300. Relh. 462. Sibth. 327.
L. furvus. Ach. Prod. 13;2.
Lichenoides gelatinosum atro-virens, auriculatum et
granosum. Dill. Muse. 140. t. 19. f . 24.
Parmelia furva. Ach. Melh. 230.
D il l e n iu s found this on gravel walks at Oxford, but
never saw the shields, which are very rare. Mr. W. Borrer
has sent us specimens from Sussex in fructification, which
agree with mine from Kirkby Lonsdale, and with the furvus
sent by Acharius. We feel ourselves obliged to retain the
original and most excellent name, given by Hudson, as the
younger Linnaeus in his Supplementum merely adopted it from
English writers, and mistook for it, as we Jearn from Professor
Acharius, a variety of L. crispus. The Swedish L. granulates
therefore falls to the ground, and the furvus becomes
a synonym of ours.
It is not easy in description to distinguish this from L.flac-
cidus, t. 1653, and yet they are very distinct.
The present is much smaller, and of a more olive, or yellowish,
hue when wet, though almost black when dry. It
creeps on the ground, and is scarcely visible but in moist
weather. The substance is more thick, fleshy and rigid. Lobes
crowded, plaited and cut, clothed with regular globular pellucid
grains on both sides. Shields scattered, 6essile, flat or
slightly concave, dark brown, at length black, with an entire