[ 1853 ]
L ICH EN bicolor.
Black and grey Shrubby Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
F em a le , smooth shields o r tubercles, in w hich the
seeds are imbedded.
S pec, Cha r . S h ru b b y , solid, erec t, rig id , round, b la ck ,
with n ume rous , sp reading, comp oun d, capillary,
tapering b ranche s, whose up p er parts are g re y .
Syn. L ic h en b icolor. Ehrh. Crypt. 4 0 . Adi. Prod. 2 1 5 ,
C o rnicu lar ia b ico lo r, Ach. Meth. 304.
jV Ir . DICKSON first favoured me with a British specimen
of this from Ben y Glow, Scotland, in 1802. Mess” Turner
and Hooker gathered the same last summer on rocks near
Taymouth ; but the former assures me, with his accustomed
candour, that the Rev. Hugh Davies sent him specimens long
ago from Wales, which he had laid by undetermined.
The fronds grow in loose upright tufts among moss, and
are capillary, rigid, much branched, spreading, round and
smooth; black below, but more or less of their upper parts
are of a dull whitish grey. The extremities are tapering,
acute, often curved. No fructification has yet been found,
Our specimens accord precisely with those of Ehrhart and
Feb.T,2&o8rPui7is/ieA, by JaiSawerby,.London.